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OUTLANDS 2nd Edition: The Shape Of Things To Come.

Greeting Outlanders. Over the next few weeks I'll be sharing a few of the changes to the OUTLANDS rules. But before I dig to deep, lets take a step back to October 2017.

When it was decided to release a 2nd Edition of OUTLANDS may initial feeling was 1.) Oh hell here we go again. 2.) Great lets make a better, more complete and comprehensive rulebook.

Let me explain:-

1.) OH HELL HERE WE GO AGAIN:- I won't mix words. Getting that 1st edition OUTLANDS together was a nightmare. At times it looked like it was never going to happen and at others it was stressful to say the least. Time was against us (and still is). Everyone working in a different format really screws compiling it all together to a usable document. But during the blood, sweat and tears somethings a little ray of sunshine would light the way. Much swearing and laughter was had..but on the whole a very stressful time. To quote a somewhat famous writer "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of enlightment, it was the age of foolishness.". The whole idea of doing it all over again for a new 2nd edition filled me with dread and caused a few sleepless nights. On the other hand a lot of the original 'written' text could be used again...with a simple 'copy/paste' mouse it wasn't all bad.

2.) GREAT LETS......

It is no secret that I was not entirely happy with some elements of OUTLANDS (1st Ed). The Abilities And Special Action section was one of the main reasons. I also did not like the way a lot of the rules had been presented. In some cases it was a few lines of text that really didn't point out some of the major features. Lets be honest, OUTLANDS will never be a 300 page, hardcover rulebook with glossy artwork. But it could of been better....a lot better. Anyone who has seen 'The Outland Chronicles' Patch 1.03 have seen the effort that goes into presenting new Abilities and Special Actions. A format that is still used today. Artwork is another pain in the ass. I'm not an artist (piss artist....maybe) and neither is anyone else on the Shades Of Chaos team. This limits how we can explain certain rules. Having the written word is great...but having some type of diagram of picture to back it up really helps to drive the 'rule' across.

So that was the state of play in Oct 2017.


I have just put the finishing touches to the OUTLANDS 2nd Edition document and in turn that document has been sent to the printers for a 'proof' copy. It looks good...very good. I'm surprised at how much the group has learnt over the last 12 months...and it really shows.

For example:-

The OLD Occupied Space diagram. A figure made out of shapes......blah!!!!

The NEW Occupied Space diagram. An actual drawing of a miniature.

How about the old 'Front and Rear Arc'????

Block man is back.....and it wasn't very good. However...............

The new diagram to show you how a model has a front and rear arc (also including square base) is a great improvement over old Mr.Blocky.

And it isn't just the old diagrams that have had a re-hash. A lot of new diagrams have been added to help explain certain rules.

Here are just a few examples of what you can expect in the 2nd Edition of OUTLANDS.

As you can clearly see, this is a massive improvement over a few written lines of text. Its a real credit to the hard work everyone has put into the new edition.

So that's a quick look at 'The Shape Of Things To Come'. I've already been asked if I'm happy with the way the 2nd Edition looks and feels. And I can honestly say....YES...very much so.

In the next blog post I'll go over some of the rules changes and why the changes HAD to happen.

Until next time Outlanders,

Jon M

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