The Nuns Of Navarone Part 3

The Nuns Of Navarone are all that's left of the staff and crew of The Leros, a deep space missionary ship under the control of the Typhoeus Corporation. The Leros, having made dock in the metropolis city of ParaPrime immediately set about re-stocking supplies. This gave the crew a 90 day window to enjoy the sights and sounds of Paradise.
While the high command of Paradise welcomed the missionary ship with open arms and false smiles (such is the hospitality business), many believed that the whole concept of worshipping an old Ancient fable most disconcerting. Some even stated that the presents of The Leros was an ill omen.
Very soon individuals groups of 'Believers' sprung up. With many 'enforcing' the word of the Lord upon those less willing to tow the line. Small incidents broke out in the lower quarters of the city. These, of course were dealt with swiftly.
On day 75 of The Leros visit tp Paradise, a public service was arranged to be held in the main concourse of ParaPrime Control. By this stage the smaller groups of 'Believers' had formed into a much larger group of 100-150 individuals...who all considered their own interpretation of the Ancient texts to relate specifically to them...and them alone. This lead to some minor outbreaks of violence but nothing serious enough to halt the service. As the Highlord and his Sisters entered the stage, the 1st warnings of a cataclysmic event could be heard and felt by the congregation gathered.
As buildings shook, windows shattered and the very ground split open, the Highlord proclaimed that the Almighty had begun the rapture and those worth saving would soon be enjoying the fruits of their beliefs. While many of the gathered dropped to their knees and clasped hands in silent worship, the majority begun to riot.
The 'Fall Of Paradise' didn't last long....and neither did the crew and staff of The Leros. A small group of Nuns managed to escape out of the city and into what is generally known as the Badlands.....some say they were helped by a mysterious stranger who carried an old, beaten copy of the Ancient well as 2 shit hot looking guns!!!!!
The 'Fall Of Paradise' is blamed on many things, but even still today, many believe that the arrival of The Leros was an ill omen.
So, The Nuns Of Navarone are painted and almost ready to take to the battlefield. The only thing left to do is get them equipped. With my 2000 Credits I've gone for a very basic loadout.

Sister Emily.
Range Weapon: Assault Rifle 2: Range 20": Damage 1D6: Credits 312
Close Combat Weapon: Epic Long Sword: Reach (1): Damage 1D6+2: Bleed: Credits 99
Subtotal: 411 Credits

Sister Maire.
Range Weapon: Assault Rifle 2: Range 20": Damage 1D6: Credits 312
Close Combat Weapon: Epic Long Sword: Reach (1): Damage 1D6+2: Bleed: Credits 99
Subtotal: 411 Credits

Sister Sarah.
Range Weapon: Assault Rifle 2: Range 20": Damage 1D6: Credits 312
Close Combat Weapon: Epic Long Sword: Reach (1): Damage 1D6+2: Bleed: Credits 99
Subtotal: 411 Credits

Sister Whiplash (may of joined the Nuns after the Fall of Paradise).
Range Weapon: Pistol 2: Range 10": Damage 1D6 (no long range modifiers): Credits 192
Close Combat Weapon: Powered Whip: Damage 1D6: Reach (4): Drag (4): Credits 191 Credits
Subtotal: 383

Mother Superior Brimstone (Leader).
Range Weapon: Assault Rifle 2: Range 20": Damage 1D6: Credits 312
Close Combat Weapon: Infused Gauntlets: Damage 1D6: Impact (2): Credits 71
Subtotal: 383
Total Cost:-1999/2000 Credits. A whole 1 credit goes into the bank.
As I like to give my OUTLANDS warbands a theme I've decided that any Spice Crystals The Nuns Of Navarone capture during a game will be 'cashed in' rather than used for Mother Superior would often say 'Spice Crystals are the Devil's dried ejaculate!!!!!'
The Nuns of Navarone are now ready to bring the word of the almighty to the unholy of the Badlands.
Some of you will notice I have 1 model spare from the Nuns With Guns blister. Do not worry...when the time comes 'The Noob' will be making her appearance.

You can find out more about 'The Noob' in a future update.
Until next time Outlanders. Jon M