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If you haven't heard it already, you can listen to an interview that Ross and I recently recorded with Ben from 2Ps In A Podcast. Its got all the juicy OUTLANDS LEGENDS info....and much more. CLICK HERE for the whole interview...or keep on reading.....then check out the 'BREAKER' a few paragraphs down ;)

Greetings Outlanders. The term Legend is thrown around all to often these days. In the Outlands the word Legend means just that. A true Legend. This can be because of an extra ordinary heroic deed, making the impossible...possible or just by pure luck. But the one thing all of these things have.....the title of Legend is earned.

So what is OUTLANDS: LEGENDS??? Well to put it simply, Legends is an achievement system that enhances the general gameplay of a normal game. By completing in-game tasks, your characters can earn rewards such as credits or gain new abilities or Special Actions. Pretty cool right?!?!? However, some of the tasks can be difficult to achieve and can only be completed over the course of a number of games. On the plus side.....the more difficult an achievement is to complete then better the rewards. Needless to say a certain amount of 'bookkeeping' is involved to track achievement progress and achievement points....but you will find that is minimum and does not slow the game down.

To become a LEGEND a character must perform Achievement Tasks. Each Achievement (100 character Achievement in the book...and more on the way) has a info box, explaining what the character must do to earn an achievement point, the TARGET number of achievement points to unlock a 'Tier' reward, and the number of Tiers the achievement has to offer. Let's take a look at Achievement number 7.

ACH007:- This is the Achievement identification number. This is a simple way to keep track of which Achievement the character is trying to.....achieve. Each Achievement has an ID number and starts with ACH (####).

The Reviver:- The Reviver is the name of the Achievement. Once your character has been award a 'Tier' reward you can add 'The Reviver T#' to it's character sheet. Note the 'T#' indicates which Tier that character has achieved.

Task:- Explains what the character needs to do to gain an Achievement Point and Badass Point (I shall come back to BADASS Points later). In the example above, the character must 'successful' use the 'Revive' Special Action to gain 1 Achievement Point. The Task also states how many times the character has to use the 'Revive' Special Action to unlock a Tier Reward. For 'The Reviver', the character has must 'successful' use 'Revive' 10 times to unlock a Tier Reward. Some Achievement tasks can have a target number of 5,10 or even 15.

Tier/s:- Each time the target number in the 'Task' description is reached it will unlock the next 'Tier'. For example, if a character starts 'The Reviver' from new and gets 10 Achievement Points then Tier 1 Rewards unlocks. If the same character goes on to gain another 10 Achievement Points in The Reviver, then Tier 2 Rewards unlocks. Each time a character unlocks a Tier the next reward will be the next Tier. From the example above, for a character to unlock Tier 4 Rewards it must successful use the 'Revive' Special Action a TOTAL of 40 times (Tier 4x10 points=40). That's a lot of Achievement points to gain. Each Achievement can have Tier 1, 2, 3 or Tier 4 rewards.

PRE-ORDER 'OUTLANDS LEGENDS' NOW!!!!! Get a 15% Discount. Offer only open until 11:59pm Friday 22nd June 2018. CLICK HERE

It's worth noting that a character must meet the requirements of the 'Task' to be able to gain the described Achievement. For Achievement ACH007: The Reviver the character must have the 'Revive' Special Action.

You can see that 'ACH007 The Reviver' rewards the character with not only 'Increasing' your warbands income, it also adds has a few 'Perks' to the Revive Special Action. Haha...its sure to piss off your opponent.

The OUTLANDS: LEGENDS has 100 different Character Achievements to choose from, most of which are pretty basic. But we have included a few 'fun' achievement.

A character can have up to 2 Achievements running at the same time. YOU choose the achievements best suited for that character. For example:- Having a character that is fast and has the ' Revive'....then the Achievement '07. The Reviver' seems the perfect pick. To get the most out of your characters picking the right achievement for the right character build is key. You wouldn't give '27. Prime Cut' to a character that does not already have the 'Meat-Shield' would be a waste of an achievement. Don't worry if after a few games you regret your chosen can abandon any Achievement in the 'End Phase' and chose another achievement. You will lose your Achievement Tier rewards for the 'abandoned' achievement....but its worth it to make the most out of your character.

To keep the flow of the game quick and fast, we employ the use of an Achievement Tracker. I won't go into details of how this works...but put simply, once a character completes an Achievement Task you get to 'tick' a box. It was very important to us that having this 'Bolt-On' system didn't slow the game down or interrupt the flow. The quick and easy solution was a 'Tick' box method. Blank 'Achievement Tracker' sheets will be available via this website and the community Facebook page.

So what's all this about being a BADASS!?!?!?!?

When you start using OUTLANDS: LEGENDS make a note of all the Achievement Points your Spice Hunters have earned during the course of a campaign. Not Achievement Tiers rewards...just Achievement Points. For Example:-

'Tim has just played and finished his 2nd battle in a campaign. During the battle his team performed 'Achievement Tasks' that earned 13 Achievement Points (That's across all the models Tim deployed for that game). In the previous 1st game of the campaign, Tim's Spice Hunter team managed to get 9 Achievement Points. Tim adds the 9 Achievement Points with the 13 Achievement from the 2nd game giving him a total of 22 BADASS Points. In the next game/battle/mission Tim already has 22 BADASS Points from the campaign. Any Achievement Points gained during the 3rd game (and any subsequent games) are added to the 22 BADASS Points already earned'.

BADASS Points:- During the 'End Phase' of a game your Spice Hunter Team will also get a bonus Incentive which is equal too the total 'BADASS Points'. Working out the 'Team Incentive' is a fairly easy progress and initially the rewards are very low, but as your team earn more Achievement Point (Fame grows) you will find the bonus reward also grows.

During the 'End Phase' work out your Credits rewards as normal (OUTLANDS page 72). After following Steps A,B and C you can add the 'BADASS Points' to the Total amount of credits your team is awarded for the last mission. Note:- The 'BADASS POINTS' are added after B) Multiply the result by 20......not before!!! (nice try).

For Example:- Tim manage to inflict 7 wounds during the last battle, which equals 7 Loot Dice. Tim rolls all the Loot Dice and adds them together giving him a sub-total of 23 (3+4+1+2+3+6+4=23). Now Tim multiples 23 by 20 which results in 460 Credits. Tim now adds the 'Team Incentive' which is the BADASS POINTS. In this case the Team Incentive is 22. This give a total off 482 Credits.

You can see that the more 'BADASS Points' means more Team Incentive Bonus...and the only way to get more Team Incentive is to earn more BADASS Points. As the 'fame' of your team grows so does the bonuses.

And that is basically OUTLANDS LEGENDS in a nutshell. The more you do, the more you get paid....and trust me, those extra credits will come in very handy for OUTLANDS Vol2....very handy indeed.

Just one last thing:- I've been asked a few times 'Will I need 'Legends' to continue playing OUTLANDS??'.

The 1st answer is always NO. OUTLANDS LEGENDS: How To Be A Badass is 'Game Add-On'. It doesn't affect normal gameplay in anyway. Also, you have to have your opponents permission to use 'Achievement Tier Rewards' this is purely for those who don't have OUTLANDS LEGENDS.

The 2nd answer is 'Now you know what OUTLANDS LEGENDS is all about.....why wouldn't you use the achievement system???'. Everyone loves more loot.

OUTLANDS LEGENDS: 'How To Be A Badass' can be ordered from Saturday 23rd June 2018.

In other news:- Some of you may of notice an increased presences on Instagram and Twitter. Over the last few months I have seen our 'Facebook Reach' slowly decline. This, I'm sure is purely because of how 'Facebook' picks want they think you want to see. To counter the all powerful Facebook algorithm (I have no idea what that is by the way), Ross has taken to Instagram while I'll keep updating Twitter. We are not ditching Facebook or our community...just spreading our wings and using the tools available.

Keep ahead of the game by signing up to the newsletter here or by following on one of the social networks listed below.

Until next time Outlanders!!


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