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Greetings Outlanders.

So the release of OUTLANDS: Relic Hunter is not far away and I hope you are as excited about it as I am. But, what is Relic Hunter?

If you are familiar with the Relic Seeker rules then you will already have a basic understanding of what and how Relic Hunter will work (Relic Hunter replaces the old Relic Seeker rules). If not the following is a quick overview.

You can use Relic Hunter in your on-going OUTLANDS campaign. By completing certain Actions in game, your warband collects Relic Fragments. Get enough Relic Fragments (usually over a few games) you can 'cash in' and get exclusive Relic Items. That's the very basics.

Relic Items are posted onto out Facebook community page and Twitter account. That's the only place you will find them. In the past, the Relic Item was only available for a short duration, then it was deleted.


At its very heart Relic Items are for our OUTLANDS community.

As players you had a choice to exchange your Relic Fragments for the 'current' Relic Item or wait until the next Relic went up on the Facebook group. Things have changed slightly for Relic Hunter...thankfully.

With the launch of Relic Hunter new Relic Items will be released 'roughly' once a week with a reduced Relic Fragment price. Now here's one of the big changes. After a 'limited time' the Relic Item will NOT be deleted. Instead the cost to purchase in Relic Fragments will increase....and some may even have a 'Credit' price!!! Why did we make the change?? Well the simple answer is because in the past we have published some 'Great' weapons and armour to our community. Unfortunately, if you are a new player to OUTLANDS you could find yourself up against some serious firepower all because you arrived late to the world's greatest tabletop miniature game. OK, So that's what we've been telling ourselves...the truth is we just want as much carnage on the tabletop as possible.

So that's its. Collect 'stuff' in game, cash 'stuff' in. Get some EPIC Loot.

Since the 1st Relic Item was uploaded in towards the end of 2017 the development team wanted to add a little bit more to really make the community effort worthwhile. Relic Hunter has been a project that's slowly been in development over 24 months (we don't rush things) to help bring some exciting new features to OUTLANDS.....and for the community only.

What can you expect from the new Relic Items?? All the old weapons and armour infusions are still available but we have added a few 'new' Infusions that you just won't be able to get anywhere else. Cryo, Suppression, Ricochet and Lifesteal are only available on Relic Items (this may change in future updates...but no plans yet) which means they are only available to the community. But that's not all. New Relic equipment such as Personal Shield Generators (PSG), Trinkets and Artefacts will now be available for possible (see below) release. I'm sure you'll agree that's a lot of new stuff coming to OUTLANDS.

With all the new Infusions, PSG, Trinkets and Artefacts has meant we have to update some of the old Relic Seeker rules plus add an a few new rules (Cryo sounds great, but if you don't know it works then what's the point). Hence the reason for the new Relic Hunter rules.

*Relic Items are randomly generated with a high spec computerised system (that's me rolling dice). As such only one person in the whole world will know which Relic Item is due of release....and that's me (no really it is.....which also means I'm not allowed to use 'new' Relic Items).

Tomorrow I will be taking a look at the new Infusions and what you can do as a player to help counter some of the effects.

Stay **Frosty Outlanders.

Jon M

** Not Cryo Frosty because that would be bad....oh so bad.

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