New Campaign= New team
Imagine what its like to be a writer for Shades Of Chaos Games. Think about all the games that must get played. All the new rules that...

OUTLANDS: August 2018
A new relic Weapon has just been delivered in Sherlock Hemmingway's network of black market items. The Fire Eater will be up on the...

The Outland Chronicles Patch 1.08 is LIVE!!!!!!
The Outland Chronicles Patch 1.08 is now available......and for the 1st time EVER you can download the PDF directly from our main...

OUTLANDS: Battle Royale (Playtesting).
Friday night is our games night at Bodmin Gaming Group (BGG). Along with the normal 40K, AoS, Bloodbowl, Lord Of The Rings (my game of...

The Helioequalizer is available from the 3rd July 2018 to 15th July 2018. Visit our community Facebook page for more details.

If you haven't heard it already, you can listen to an interview that Ross and I recently recorded with Ben from 2Ps In A Podcast. Its got...

Mission 15: Going Down: Playtesting.
I recently sat down with Ross to playtest Mission 15: Going Down. Mission 15 marks the start of a 3 mission narrative campaign which...

If you haven't see/heard it yet then check out the OUTLANDS LEGENDS Chat below. SUBSCRIBERS SPECIAL OFFER. As a Newsletter Subscriber you...

Ross and myself will be at ATTACK 2018 running Demo/Intro games of OUTLANDS. If you are in the area (Devizes School, The Green,...
15% DISCOUNT on Printed OUTLANDS Books!!!!!
Save 15% On Orders of Print Books & Calendars Use Code: FIFTEEN Cannot be combined with other offers Does not apply to ebooks or services...